Quotation Explorer - 'Jason E. Hodges'

I was a poet. I had no expectations other than creating a world of art with words that would live on long after I was gone. - Jason E. Hodges
Poets, with no sponsors, no agenda, are the truest form of freedom today, bleeding out every drop of themselves for the world to either hate or devour. - Jason E. Hodges
Each morning the winds of the city moan and weep with lost souls clinging to hope of reliving the memories of yesterday. - Jason E. Hodges
Your dreams don’t stop being dreams because of circumstances. - Jason E. Hodges
Lies are served like a fine delicacy. But beware, the truth of it all will sour, lodge in your throat, and choke your very existence if you continue to believe them. - Jason E. Hodges
As a writer, a poet, you’re not alone in wanting to be alone. Your work is a friendship that never leaves you. - Jason E. Hodges
They say, poetry is dead. I say, was there ever a time they had a clue of what the state of poetry is? - Jason E. Hodges
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